White People are Not Caucasians

White people don't come from the Caucasus Mountains. The people that come from there are the same people that are running the earth right now. But they want to confuse everyone into thinking that they do not come from there. So, they say that white people do. It's a huge cover-up of the A.J.s. (the second flooders, the ones who are created under the shadow of death in the Caucasus Valley. (AS spoken of in Surat Al Baqarah in the Quran and Psalm 23 in the psalms of David in the Bible and Torah). Us white people are the living evidence that they're lying. And that they are frauds. What is actually hilarious, is that they will call a white person anti-Semitic, as if they ARE Semitic. They are not from the area of sham, they are from the Caucasus Mountains. So when *they call me anti-Semitic, that means that they came from Shem...but they didn't. The accusation* is just a huge misdirect. They even call "themselves" Ashkenazi Jew. Ashkenazi is one of the languages that the People from the Caucasus Valley spoke. They make this accusation* in order to get the accused emotionally upset and confused. And then while the accused are in that state, and they can't counter argue, (give a rebuttal) They accusers push in further until the accused acquiesces and accepts the idea. (that the ancestors of the accuser actually came from Shem) Why do you think ISIS went into Shem and broke up every piece of cultural artifact and ancestry they could find? They were getting rid of the evidence of the Kazan Mafia. But the white people (whom they claim to be Caucasian) are in plain sight, and if you check them further, (DNA) you will find that they do not come from the Caucasus Mountains. Saying that they are Caucasian is a misnomer.

They want to say that white people are the perpetrators of all mischief. That's why you've got the BLM and all these other Hate-White-People organizations. And all fingers point to, Soros and his Central-Bank buddies as the financiers.

If you want to see if these Cuacasus-Mountian-Mischief-Makers are lying to you, Just check and see if you feel like you are being pushed out of your comfort zone. Are you being extorted with “uncomfortableness” ?.

Just like in my example above. They're extorting you with social pressure and uncomfortableness to get the jab. I have personal experience with these tactics, because I was born into a Catholic family. Catholics are very good at emotional coercion. The same as the A.J.s.
